The St. Croix Valley Kennel Club has its roots in the beautiful St. Croix Valley area of Washington County, Minnesota, and encompasses the surrounding area. The club was founded in December 1969 by a group of fanciers who committed their time and effort to achieve approval from the American Kennel Club to hold All-Breed Dog Shows and Obedience Trials. In 1995 the Club became a member of the American Kennel Club
Early show sites included school gymnasiums, auditoriums, and tented outdoor show sites. A permanent home was found at the Washington County Fairgrounds when a long-term relationship was formed with the Washington County Agricultural Society. Outside-tented rings were used until the Club constructed the two pavilion type structures with room for twelve rings. As entries have grown, various buildings and additional fairgrounds space has been utilized to provide even more rings and grooming space. Our well-maintained grassy outside show rings are the only dedicated dog show facility in the five state area.
The club has actively supported the Washington County 4-H Dog Project for over twenty years, with many of our members serving as trainers for the students. Each year approximately 100 young people, ages 9 to 19, take part in the program with participants regularly reaching the 4-H State Final Competition.
St. Croix Valley Kennel Club has always tried to be forward thinking and innovative. At our first back-to-back shows held in August of 1994, we offered one of the very first licensed AKC Agility Trials in the country, as well as demonstrations in Lure Coursing.
We are always striving to expand our educational, show, and trial efforts. One example is the addition, since 1989, of an information Booth at our shows. St. Croix Valley Kennel Club is always seeking new members who will be committed to making our club, show site, and shows a “Best In Show” for all who attend.